Jamie Dunlap | South Park | Interview with the Composer
I interviewed Jamie Dunlap who has been composing music for the South Park TV show since 2000. He also composed the soundtrack to the Ubisoft/Obsidian South Park video games The Stick of Truth & The Fractured but Whole. We chat about his workflow on the show, his influences for the video games & a bit about his other work too.

South Park: The Fractured but Whole | Review
South Park: The Fractured but Whole, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Stick of Truth is here at last to coincide with season 21 of the South Park TV series. A lot has happened in the humble town of South Park since The Stick of Truth: PC Principal took over South Park Elementary, SodoSopa brought gentrification to the town and the Canadian Devil Beelzaboot released his freemium Terrence & Phillip game to exploit children for money. So, has South Park: The Fractured but Whole changed and matured along with the show and how has Ubisoft inevitably managed to mess it up?

Beyond Good & Evil | PS2 | Review
You know, Ubisoft wasn’t always the god-awful company it is today, shovelling out the same old garbage year upon year. Ubisoft has been responsible for a lot of great games but perhaps most notable of all, is Beyond Good & Evil due to it being both critically acclaimed and a commercial failure. So let’s take a look back at Ubisoft’s cult classic.
How Nobody Absolutely Dominated E3 2017
A very mild E3 wouldn't you agree? Microsoft's new Xbox One X is set to be "the most powerful mind control device ever" but does it have any games worth playing? Bethesda seem content to re-release Skyrim til the end of time. Nintendo wants us to be excited for games that will come some time between now and the end of time...but at least Ubisoft got rid of the terrible, annoying Aisha Tyler!

Shuffle or Boogie? | Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Seen by many as a massive return to form for the series, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag puts you in the shoes of pirate Edward Kenway, sailing the West Indies in pursuit of his fortune. Black Flag manages to portray the sights of the Caribbean beautifully, the ocean in particular is probably the best looking thing I've seen in a game to date. The sounds however, fall so badly short of what we should expect of a so-called "AAA" game and consistently took me out of the experience of what should have been the most immersive pirate themed video game in history.