Why The Yellow Paint Is A Big Deal | Resident Evil 4 Remake

Why The Yellow Paint Is A Big Deal | Resident Evil 4 Remake

The original Resident Evil 4 came at a time when "dumbing down video games" was at the forefront of the conversation and it turned out that the worst was yet to come. Resident Evil 4 went on to be a masterpiece, which let the player dictate the action. Yet, the remake has made several missteps already, involving yellow paint and intrusive UI elements. Modern games simply don't trust the player with that kind of power. Here's why I think it's a big deal.

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How Microsoft & XBOX Ruined Gaming

How Microsoft & XBOX Ruined Gaming

In 2001 the original Xbox was released to the world and a turning point was reached for the entire gaming sphere. Competing fiercely with the previous year’s Playstation 2 and releasing almost simultaneously with Nintendo’s Gamecube, Microsoft had their work cut out for them, especially as the only American company to produce a major console since the Atari Jaguar in 1993. If you believe the old saying that “competition breeds innovation,” you might believe that Microsoft did the industry a massive favour and fuelled a golden age of gaming, echoing all the way to the present day...but I don’t believe in dumb sayings like that.

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Pyramid Head and Death Of The Author | Is Silent Hill Lore Broken?

Pyramid Head and Death Of The Author | Is Silent Hill Lore Broken?

The Silent Hill lore surrounding Pyramid Head and his inclusion in Homecoming is a contentious point for fans of the series. Can the concept of death of the author help us discern whether the lore is broken, or are the words of creature designer Masahiro Ito, that James is the only character that could see him, absolute? Here I try to objectively look at the mythology of both Homecoming and Silent Hill 2.

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Laura Kate Dale's Yakuza: Like A Dragon Critique is Lazy & Dishonest

Laura Kate Dale's Yakuza: Like A Dragon Critique is Lazy & Dishonest

In a recent video, game journalist Laura Kate Dale criticized Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7) for including stereotypes of homeless people. Is representation & inclusivity something that Yakuza gets wrong or has there been a misunderstanding of this Japanese RPG and the artistic intent of its creators? Let's critique the critique.

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Project Athia: The Luminous Engine Ruse | Square Enix's New "Game"

Project Athia: The Luminous Engine Ruse | Square Enix's New "Game"

Is Project Athia a real game? With everything that's happened with the Luminous Engine, Square Enix had given the impression that Luminous Productions was defunct, but conveniently, when it comes time for a round of announcements (SE's favourite thing to do) they are suddenly back in business after using the Unreal Engine for all their recent high profile games.

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Why Do Game Developers Ignore The Modding Scene? | The Outer Worlds Problem

Why Do Game Developers Ignore The Modding Scene? | The Outer Worlds Problem

Modding has become more and more relevant in the modern gaming industry and a strong modding scene for a game means that it essentially gets better and better as time goes on. Developers like Bethesda have, in the past, garnered incredible goodwill and fostered a passionate community by encouraging mods and making available a suite of tools to make it easier for almost anybody to tweak the game to their liking. So why on earth are most video game developers outright ignoring the modding scene?

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Shuffle or Boogie? | Mother & Earthbound

Shuffle or Boogie? | Mother & Earthbound

When you think of Nintendo, do you think of Mario, Zelda, Metroid or Donkey Kong? Perhaps you think of the notoriously bad games Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Dragon's Lair or Fester's Quest? I don't. I think of Mother, not my mother, but the game series which some of you might know as Earthbound. In fact, Earthbound is perhaps the only one of Nintendo's many games that has resonated with me and left a lasting effect, long after its completion.

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Anti Video Game Rhetoric on ITV's Good Morning Britain

Anti Video Game Rhetoric on ITV's Good Morning Britain

Mainstream media is having a field day with the sudden popularity of online battle royale shooter Fortnite. Once again the debate over video game violence, addiction & its effects on children & their brains are being misconstrued by the BBC & ITV. Here we take a look at Good Morning Britain with Piers Morgan.  

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Kingdom Hearts III: Should You Be Worried?

Kingdom Hearts III: Should You Be Worried?

Kingdom Hearts, what a unique video game franchise. Despite only having two numbered games in the series so far, Kingdom Hearts has a mind boggling amount of entries across an equally mind boggling amount of platforms many of which are essential to understanding the overarching plot. Kingdom Hearts 2.8 is the latest piece of the puzzle and all of it is meant to contextualise and precede the highly anticipated Kingdom Hearts III.....It’s also a load of old bollocks!

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