Neon Tail Review | A Rollerskating Indie Adventure Game
4 years ago, I interviewed Feili from Rocket Juice Games, who was working on an open-world adventure RPG game which was set to stand out in one key way: Your sole means of transport is rollerskating! I love the idea of checking back on projects I've done interviews on. Feili and his very small team have now taken Neon Tail out of early access, with plenty more updates set to come and I was excited to see if their hard work had paid off!

How SONY & Playstation Ruined Gaming
The Playstation was great for gaming...for a time, but nowadays, I believe SONY is complicit in a declining games industry and whilst not quite as damaging as Microsoft over the years, has still pretty much ruined gaming.

Star Ocean: The Divine Force is Everything Wrong With JRPGs | In-Depth Critique
Can't help but feel disappointed by modern JRPGs? Let's review and take a closer look at Star Ocean: The Divine Force and what it has gotten wrong. Is this Square Enix game worthy of the PS5?

Reviving Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness: Interview with the Developer of Definitive Edition
I reached out for an interview with TRJTA AKA Bob, the developer behind Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness Definitive Edition. This mod revives the classic Tomb Raider game by adding modern graphics and gameplay features. We dive into the story behind this incredible project and learn about the development process from the creator himself. We'll explore the new features and discuss how this mod updates the original game to a modern standard. If you're a Tomb Raider fan, this is one video you won't want to miss!

Exploring Like A Dragon: Ishin's Quirky Substories
The substories in the Yakuza or Like A Dragon series are always top-notch, but what happens when the top-notch gets another notch above it? You get Like A Dragon Ishin's substories! The best in the series and a dive into Japanese culture, dialects, cuisine and most importantly...VEGGIES!

Why The Yellow Paint Is A Big Deal | Resident Evil 4 Remake
The original Resident Evil 4 came at a time when "dumbing down video games" was at the forefront of the conversation and it turned out that the worst was yet to come. Resident Evil 4 went on to be a masterpiece, which let the player dictate the action. Yet, the remake has made several missteps already, involving yellow paint and intrusive UI elements. Modern games simply don't trust the player with that kind of power. Here's why I think it's a big deal.

How Microsoft & XBOX Ruined Gaming
In 2001 the original Xbox was released to the world and a turning point was reached for the entire gaming sphere. Competing fiercely with the previous year’s Playstation 2 and releasing almost simultaneously with Nintendo’s Gamecube, Microsoft had their work cut out for them, especially as the only American company to produce a major console since the Atari Jaguar in 1993. If you believe the old saying that “competition breeds innovation,” you might believe that Microsoft did the industry a massive favour and fuelled a golden age of gaming, echoing all the way to the present day...but I don’t believe in dumb sayings like that.

I Didn't Think Tomb Raider Games Could Get Worse! 😂 | Tomb Raider Reloaded Review
I've been blocked by game director Brian Horton and the official Tomb Raider twitter page. Do they think that will stop this review of the latest (hopefully last) of the awful Tomb Raider games that Square Enix has published? Tomb Raider Reloaded, it's terrible, obviously.

Using Tana to Organise A Playstation Magazine Collection | New PKM App
I was provided early access to the new PKM app Tana. It's a great way of organising my large video game & PlayStation Magazine collection, so I thought I'd show you how I'm using the app. You can do a lot more with Tana than what I show, but this might be of particular use to those collecting retro games or similar stuff!

How Gaming Sites Earn Money By Wasting Your Time
Remember the days of browsing ign or GameSpot for all the latest video game news? Or maybe read a well-written review of that new Kane and Lynch game you saw an advert for? Well, the only ads we get nowadays are for articles on gaming sites whose sole purpose is to show you even more ads.

Was I Wrong About Star Ocean: The Divine Force? The Demo Could Tell Us...Or Not
"I guess you should play the demo and see how off you were with the trailer reaction..."
Star Ocean: The Divine Force releases next week, could the demo tell us how bad it will be? Was I wrong to think it will be horrendous? Probably not, but I'll still play it!

SEGA Powered | New Gaming Magazine | Writers Interview
Staff writers Marc (SEGA Mags) and Paul (Maximum Power Up) join me to talk about the new print gaming magazine featuring all things SEGA. Interview carried out at Doncaster Dome Retro Games Fair on December 5th 2021.

Action Man: Mission Extreme | PS1 Review
Metal Gear Solid fans might want to check this game out for better or worse. Action Man: Mission Extreme (also known as Operation Extreme) takes a lot of inspiration from the hit PS1 game and in this review I'll show you how. The game, based on the popular action figure, came out in the late 90s just a year after MGS1!

Pyramid Head and Death Of The Author | Is Silent Hill Lore Broken?
The Silent Hill lore surrounding Pyramid Head and his inclusion in Homecoming is a contentious point for fans of the series. Can the concept of death of the author help us discern whether the lore is broken, or are the words of creature designer Masahiro Ito, that James is the only character that could see him, absolute? Here I try to objectively look at the mythology of both Homecoming and Silent Hill 2.

ECHO Review | Can This Stealth Game Learn From How You Play?!
ECHO is an indie stealth game that touts a unique AI system that can learn from what you do and how you play. In this review, I reveal if that claim is too good to be true and whether ECHO can serve as inspiration for AI innovations moving forward.

Video Game Collecting Tips 2021 From A PS1 Addict
Collecting video games is getting increasingly tough but hopefully, with my top tips, you can make 2021 the year you bag your retro gaming holy grails & play on a budget too! As I'm a PS1 addict from the 90s, these tips will work best for people interested in collecting retro games but maybe not so far back as the 80s.

Cyberpunk 2077 Bugs and Glitches Are Not Its Biggest Problem
Everyone deserves a refund for Cyberpunk 2077, but not for its excessive bugs and glitches. Cyberpunk's biggest problem is the features promised by CD Projekt Red before its release, features that are not likely to be patched into the game, ever.

Laura Kate Dale's Yakuza: Like A Dragon Critique is Lazy & Dishonest
In a recent video, game journalist Laura Kate Dale criticized Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7) for including stereotypes of homeless people. Is representation & inclusivity something that Yakuza gets wrong or has there been a misunderstanding of this Japanese RPG and the artistic intent of its creators? Let's critique the critique.

How YouTube Lies To You
Youtube has lied over and over again, to you, to me, to everyone. Its policy changes in 2020 and going forward are getting ridiculous. How can we trust what they and Susan Wojcicki say as anything but lies?

Is King's Field II Better Than The Original? | From Software's Second Game
The sequel to the Japanese exclusive King's Field, the first RPG on the Playstation & From Software's first game is said to be better in many ways. Hold on a second, let's take a look in this review of King's Field II.