Thank you so much for visiting The Retro Perspective! There are a few different ways you can contribute if you enjoy what we do here. Firstly (& perhaps most importantly) please share our content so we can get the conversation going & build a thriving Retro Perspective community.


We do indeed have a Patreon account where you can get some regular bonuses in return for a small monthly contribution. Rewards include behind the scenes videos, outtakes & direct input into what our next video will be.

Our DIY approach to filming & editing (and my strong aversion to jump cuts) means that our equipment is pretty basic & editing takes up a good chunk of my time. We have struggled through many technical issues, bad lighting, broken audio, faulty hardware, but after a couple of years we've managed to scrape together a website & YouTube channel we're pretty damn proud of. However, we would still like to improve our content by upgrading our video & audio equipment, so if you decide to become a patron then we'd like to thank you & assure you that your money will go towards keeping our content thriving!

If you enjoy the music heard playing along in the background of most of our videos then you might consider checking out MOONFLEET's Bandcamp page. MOONFLEET is Jake's musical project which is primarily focused on orchestral post-rock but also dabbles in composition for video games & film. MOONFLEET contribute the majority of music heard in The Retro Perspective's videos. 

Finally, if a one off contribution is more your style you can donate to us directly through PayPal. However you decide to contribute, we appreciate every single interaction we have with our viewers, that's what keeps us motivated to keep making videos, writing articles & conducting interviews. So get in touch & join the conversation...even if it's just to say: