Neon Tail Review | A Rollerskating Indie Adventure Game
Reviews Video Games, Video Games Jake Gray Reviews Video Games, Video Games Jake Gray

Neon Tail Review | A Rollerskating Indie Adventure Game

4 years ago, I interviewed Feili from Rocket Juice Games, who was working on an open-world adventure RPG game which was set to stand out in one key way: Your sole means of transport is rollerskating! I love the idea of checking back on projects I've done interviews on. Feili and his very small team have now taken Neon Tail out of early access, with plenty more updates set to come and I was excited to see if their hard work had paid off!

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Does Amnesia Rebirth Live Up To The Original? | Spoiler Free Review

Does Amnesia Rebirth Live Up To The Original? | Spoiler Free Review

Another Retro Perspective review on Amnesia Rebirth. Does it live up to the original Dark Descent? I tried to keep this review as spoiler free as possible it was a bit off the cuff so it's not the longer critique that I've been keeping to recently but I felt the game at least needed a look. Especially in the Halloween season when people are looking for the best horror games to play!

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Boot Hill Heroes | Review

Boot Hill Heroes | Review

Boot Hill Heroes is the first game from indie studio Experimental Gamer, a developer which aims to bring elements from classic RPGs such as Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger and breathe life into the genre once again. This very small team had a successful kickstarter campaign in late 2012 and Boot Hill Heroes was released on Steam and XBox Live Arcade in October and December of 2014 respectively. It originally caught my eye because of its striking resemblance to Earthbound and I thought it would be the perfect game to play in the run up to the release of Mother 4.

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Rugrats Search For Reptar | PS1 | Review

Rugrats Search For Reptar | PS1 | Review

In a list of games I played over and over again as a kid, Rugrats: Search For Reptar would be up there near the top. Let’s see if this PS1 game from 1998 stands the test of time. Surprisingly this was the first game based on Nickelodeon’s Rugrats cartoon that started in 1991, featuring Tommy Pickles, Chucky, Phil, Lil and Angelica as playable characters across a series of surprisingly varied levels.

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Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope | Review | PS3

Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope | Review | PS3

In 2010, the proper version of Star Ocean 4 was released on the PlayStation 3. It contained both English and Japanese voice-over, a choice of 2 UI styles and an extended soundtrack that was included in the Japanese version, and all on 1 disc instead of a ludicrous 3, which needed to be changed when travelling to different planets. It was also bloody awesome.

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Future Cop: LAPD | Review | PS1 perfection!

Future Cop: LAPD | Review | PS1 perfection!

EA Redwood Shores would later change its name to Visceral, the team behind the beautifully scary Dead Space. They created possibly the best sports game of all time in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 and one of the best racing games on the PS1 with NASCAR Rumble. But even before that, with their very first game, they absolutely nailed it with what is undoubtedly my favourite PS1 game and that game is Future Cop: LAPD.

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Time and Eternity | Review | PS3

Time and Eternity | Review | PS3

Have you fallen out of love with Japanese RPGs lately as I have? Often we have to return to the golden age of JRPG’s to remind ourselves how good the genre can be but a surprising amount of these games flew under the radar during the Playstation 3’s lifetime. I will definitely be talking about Folklore some other time, but for now, it’s Time And Eternity, a game which puts you in the shoes of a newlywed princess Toki whose perverted husband gets assassinated immediately after saying I do. Luckily the princess has the ability to reverse time to the months leading up to the wedding and with the help of her pet dragon and the soul of another woman, Towa, who also inhabits her body, tries to uncover the mystery behind the attack on her wedding in the hopes they can prevent it….did I mention this game is Japanese?

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Toy Commander | Review | Dreamcast

Toy Commander | Review | Dreamcast

You’d be hard-pressed to find people with any kind of childhood that didn’t at some point arrange their toys in such a way to form some sort of city or contraption, guiding miniature figures through & imagining crazy stories & scenarios in their kid brain. I know I certainly went through a phase of driving toy cars along the carpet, up the wall, down bannisters...on the ceiling if I could reach it. So when I first played a demo for Toy Commander on the Dreamcast back in 1999, I was struck by how the game captured that essence of childhood imagination so perfectly and that short snippet of the game stuck with me ever since.

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Kingdom Hearts 3 | Review | PS4

Kingdom Hearts 3 | Review | PS4

In my last Kingdom Hearts video it would be an understatement to say that I was pessimistic. Square Enix’s insistence on releasing games in the series so frequently on every platform imaginable, with massively fluctuating quality in aesthetic and gameplay terms, has left the series in the unfortunate position of having more bad games than good. But I thought I’d give Kingdom Hearts one last chance, knowing all along that if Kingdom Hearts 3 went the way of Final Fantasy XV (a buggy, ugly, unfinished train wreck) I could safely say I would never buy another Square Enix game again. Ever. So unlike a lot of commentators I’ve noticed on social media who outright bum every nonsensical story trailer or screenshot of one of Tetsuya Nomura’s ludicrous cast of Final Fantasy rejects, you can rest assured I’m about to give this game exactly what it deserves.

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Shadow of the Tomb Raider | Review | PC

Shadow of the Tomb Raider | Review | PC

Well, Rise of the Tomb Raider was awful but what do we have here, Shadow of the Tomb Raider is developed by Eidos Montreal, the studio that brought us the excellent Deus Ex: Human Revolution & Mankind Divided. Surely they played Rise of the Tomb Raider, laughed their arses off at its ludicrously easy combat difficulty, its barely developed characters & its complete lack of meaningful improvement over the 2013 Tomb Raider reboot, & simply proceeded to make their own Tomb Raider game...but then Square Enix stopped them & said “No! That will cost too much money.”

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Two Point Hospital | Review

Two Point Hospital | Review

1997’s Theme Hospital is undoubtedly a classic in every sense of the word & it has never really seen a true successor but with the release of Two Point Hospital by a team consisting of some of the original developers of Theme Hospital, we could finally see a hospital simulation game that moves past some of the limitations of the 90s or even reaches the full potential of this unique idea. Two Point Studio’s Mark Webley & Gary Carr have seemingly been biding their time for many years, knowing full well that a spiritual successor to Theme Hospital would pique the interest of many PS1 era or classic PC gamers. They were there for many of Bullfrog & Lionhead studios’ best works from Theme Park to Black & White so they’re no strangers to sim games.  

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