Pyramid Head and Death Of The Author | Is Silent Hill Lore Broken?

Pyramid Head and Death Of The Author | Is Silent Hill Lore Broken?

The Silent Hill lore surrounding Pyramid Head and his inclusion in Homecoming is a contentious point for fans of the series. Can the concept of death of the author help us discern whether the lore is broken, or are the words of creature designer Masahiro Ito, that James is the only character that could see him, absolute? Here I try to objectively look at the mythology of both Homecoming and Silent Hill 2.

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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | Review

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain | Review

When I was 14, for a high school show and tell style project, I decided to do a review of Metal Gear Solid 3. I recorded gameplay on to a VHS tape and used this to deliver a presentation to the class. The opening line of the presentation went something like: "This video game, created by the genius mind of Hideo Kojima..." Do I still think Hideo Kojima is a genius? Absolutely, he is still one of the few game directors out there who really knows how to put the player directly in to a video game character's shoes. Is everything he's ever done perfect? Definitely not. Is Metal Gear Solid V a 10/10 game? You'd have to be riding its gargantuan hype train to believe that to be the case but...on the other it not the greatest, purest stealth game ever created? It probably is. Apologies if you're getting mixed messages so far but, from beginning to end, that's exactly what Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has given me.

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Metal Gear Solid V & The Bizarre Practice of Early Reviews

Metal Gear Solid V & The Bizarre Practice of Early Reviews

Gone are the days when we could play a game without knowing everything about it beforehand. When my 14-year-old self popped Metal Gear Solid 3 into the Playstation 2, do you know what I thought? “Damn, I can’t wait to see what Solid Snake and Otacon are gonna' get up to in this game." I was in for a big shock! I hadn’t tried to avoid any information about the game, nor did I actively seek it out...yet here we are years later and some people literally cannot avoid Metal Gear Solid V spoilers when the game is not even out yet.

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Metal Gear Solid 4's Terrible Gameplay

Metal Gear Solid 4's Terrible Gameplay

It's fair to say that the hype surrounding Metal Gear Solid V has reached historic levels but I have a confession to make, I promised myself I would not get excited for Metal Gear Solid V because In 2008, Metal Gear Solid 4 was released with a legacy so gargantuan people tricked themselves into believing it was the greatest game of all time. It's time to stop kidding ourselves about Metal Gear Solid 4...

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