Metal Gear Solid 4's Terrible Gameplay

It's fair to say that the hype surrounding Metal Gear Solid V has reached historic levels but I have a confession to make, I promised myself I would not get excited for Metal Gear Solid V because In 2008, Metal Gear Solid 4 was released with a legacy so gargantuan people tricked themselves into believing it was the greatest game of all time. It's time to stop kidding ourselves about Metal Gear Solid 4...

In part 1 of our in depth Metal Gear Solid 4 review, we focus on the poorly implemented gameplay features such as Drebin points, CODEC and the octocamo and compare these features to the other, mind blowingly phenomenal Metal Gear Solid games. Apologies for the moments of poor video quality, we had a new camera and were still figuring it out when we shot some of this video.


Metal Gear Solid V & The Bizarre Practice of Early Reviews


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