How Microsoft & XBOX Ruined Gaming
In 2001 the original Xbox was released to the world and a turning point was reached for the entire gaming sphere. Competing fiercely with the previous year’s Playstation 2 and releasing almost simultaneously with Nintendo’s Gamecube, Microsoft had their work cut out for them, especially as the only American company to produce a major console since the Atari Jaguar in 1993. If you believe the old saying that “competition breeds innovation,” you might believe that Microsoft did the industry a massive favour and fuelled a golden age of gaming, echoing all the way to the present day...but I don’t believe in dumb sayings like that.

How To Protect Against XBOX MIND CONTROL RAYS!!!
In this tutorial, I will teach you how to safely use Xbox hardware and defend yourself against Microsoft's mind control rays that have been implemented since their 2001 entrance into the video game industry.

Beyond Good & Evil | PS2 | Review
You know, Ubisoft wasn’t always the god-awful company it is today, shovelling out the same old garbage year upon year. Ubisoft has been responsible for a lot of great games but perhaps most notable of all, is Beyond Good & Evil due to it being both critically acclaimed and a commercial failure. So let’s take a look back at Ubisoft’s cult classic.