Why The Yellow Paint Is A Big Deal | Resident Evil 4 Remake
The original Resident Evil 4 came at a time when "dumbing down video games" was at the forefront of the conversation and it turned out that the worst was yet to come. Resident Evil 4 went on to be a masterpiece, which let the player dictate the action. Yet, the remake has made several missteps already, involving yellow paint and intrusive UI elements. Modern games simply don't trust the player with that kind of power. Here's why I think it's a big deal.

Pyramid Head and Death Of The Author | Is Silent Hill Lore Broken?
The Silent Hill lore surrounding Pyramid Head and his inclusion in Homecoming is a contentious point for fans of the series. Can the concept of death of the author help us discern whether the lore is broken, or are the words of creature designer Masahiro Ito, that James is the only character that could see him, absolute? Here I try to objectively look at the mythology of both Homecoming and Silent Hill 2.

Does Amnesia Rebirth Live Up To The Original? | Spoiler Free Review
Another Retro Perspective review on Amnesia Rebirth. Does it live up to the original Dark Descent? I tried to keep this review as spoiler free as possible it was a bit off the cuff so it's not the longer critique that I've been keeping to recently but I felt the game at least needed a look. Especially in the Halloween season when people are looking for the best horror games to play!

Interview With Mikko Tarmia | Amnesia Rebirth, SOMA, The Dark Descent
New interview! Creating some of the best horror game soundtracks of all time, Mikko Tarmia has been working with Frictional games on such titles as Amnesia The Dark Descent, Amnesia Rebirth and Soma. In this interview with the composer, I ask all about these soundtracks as well as some of Mikko's other work in the film and video game industries.

Did Silent Hill Downpour Fail the Fans? | In Depth Critique For Halloween
Since the release of the Western developed Silent Hill games, fans did feel that Konami failed in delivering a horror game that lives up to the series terrifyingly well-conceived roots. In this review & in depth critique of Downpour on PS3, we will discover where Silent Hill went wrong.

Silent Hill | PS1 | Review
It's generally agreed upon that Silent Hill 2 is the definitive fan favourite of the Silent Hill series. Whilst I am still undecided on which game is my favourite, after replaying the original game there were many little details about it which I felt were worth covering in a Retro Perspective review.

Resident Evil's Fall From Grace Part 3: Resident Evil 6
Previously in the series we took a look at Resident Evil 4 & Resident Evil 5 but nothing could have prepared us for Capcom's descent in to the pure madness that is Resident Evil 6. For the very first time we play the game and give our thoughts on one of the worst games ever created. Everything from the animations & textures to the characters & inventory, we lay it all bare in this in depth review. Resident Evil 6 truly is one of the markers of the decline in quality of Japanese games and things only seem to be getting worse. Whether by creative bankruptcy, laziness or pure greed, this game series has fallen from a true icon of the gaming industry to a broken, zombie corpse, shell of its former self. At the very least Resident Evil 6 is in fact the scariest game of all time...scary how horrifyingly bad it is.

Resident Evil’s Fall From Grace | Part 2
Following on from our in depth Resident Evil 4 review, we play Resident Evil 5 to shed some light on the most divisive title in the series. It's a game that at first glance is incredibly similar to the 4th, but with some crucial differences which quickly become the focal point of our discussion. Look out for part 3 too, because we'll be playing Resident Evil 6 for the first time ever...I'm sure it will be amazing.

Resident Evil Outbreak | The Retro Perspective
Josh was too busy to film the Resident Evil 5 review, so Jake & Arron decided to play one of their favourite games of all time: Resident Evil Outbreak. It's the greatest game never made....A very difficult game, made even more so by persistent hysteric laughter. In this game, a waitress, a plumber and a "scrotum guard" are attacked by zombies relentlessly and on all fronts. Only by using our character's special skills can we overcome all odds. Skills like: flipping a coin, our age being kept secret, being able to scream "OH GOD, HELP ME PLEASE!!" at the press of a button...and, of course, being the master of unlocking things. So come on my crew, let's play Resident Evil Outbreak!

Resident Evil's Fall From Grace | Part 1
Resident Evil was once a colossal force in the gaming industry and no moment is more noteworthy for the series than the release of Resident Evil 4 on the Nintendo Gamecube in 2005. So in this 3 part video series we want to de-construct what makes Resident Evil good so we can then start to work out what went so wrong to leave the series in the unrecognisable state it's in today. Starting with what is widely renowned as the best in the series and one of the greatest games of all time: Resident Evil 4.