How Gaming Sites Earn Money By Wasting Your Time
Remember the days of browsing ign or GameSpot for all the latest video game news? Or maybe read a well-written review of that new Kane and Lynch game you saw an advert for? Well, the only ads we get nowadays are for articles on gaming sites whose sole purpose is to show you even more ads.

Why Do Game Developers Ignore The Modding Scene? | The Outer Worlds Problem
Modding has become more and more relevant in the modern gaming industry and a strong modding scene for a game means that it essentially gets better and better as time goes on. Developers like Bethesda have, in the past, garnered incredible goodwill and fostered a passionate community by encouraging mods and making available a suite of tools to make it easier for almost anybody to tweak the game to their liking. So why on earth are most video game developers outright ignoring the modding scene?

Shuffle or Boogie? | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Mods
I have recently purchased my first gaming PC and so, of course, I was looking forward to re-visiting one of my favorite video games, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and modding the hel out of it! One of the options for modding Skyrim is the customisation of sound and music so I thought it would be a great opportunity for a Shuffle or Boogie article.