Demon's Crest | The Retro Perspective
Demon's Crest, a Ghosts & Goblins spinoff and a a game literally everyone should play. Because in the age when indie platformers are being thrown out left, right and centre and a "retro aesthetic" is seen as an instant positive as these indies attempt to be throwbacks to a better era. It takes us a trip back to play an absolute masterpiece (Demon's Crest) to realise that not many of these modern games have actually lived up to their influences. But enough cynicism, let's chat about Demon's Crest for the SNES!

The Mighty No. 9 Trailer is Bad, Quit Your Crying!
Last week, the internet had not really been talking much about Mighty No. 9. That is, until a really bad trailer for the game came out on Wednesday, 25th of May. The trailer was so bad, it currently stands at 2841 likes to 20831 dislikes on youtube and when the youtube community dislikes something...it's usually pretty bad.