Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom | PS4 | Review
Level 5 took a break from milking their cash cow Yo Kai Watch on the baby DS to do what, In the past, they’ve always done best: put square Enix to shame with another huge JRPG that outright rips off mechanics from a Nintendo game. Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is a sequel to the sublime Studio Ghibli collaboration...but Studio Ghibli have unfortunately not contributed this time.

Wonder Flick | An Empty Promise & A Missed Opportunity
Shortly after completing Level 5's JRPG masterpiece Ni No Kuni, I was left awestruck by how a company could deliver such massive scale, beautifully rendered, gripping tales so consistently. In Dark Cloud and it's sequel Dark Chronicle, they seamlessly melded action RPG combat with tactical city building and time travel. They took Enix's popular series Dragon Quest and pushed it, possibly to its limit, to create one of the biggest scale open world RPG's in history. Then, they did what Nintendo fans have been asking for forever, they created a fully 3D, console quality Pokemon game, only better!