I Didn't Think Tomb Raider Games Could Get Worse! 😂 | Tomb Raider Reloaded Review
I've been blocked by game director Brian Horton and the official Tomb Raider twitter page. Do they think that will stop this review of the latest (hopefully last) of the awful Tomb Raider games that Square Enix has published? Tomb Raider Reloaded, it's terrible, obviously.

Triple Triad Mobile | Review
For me, Final Fantasy VIII is not a game, it is a biennial event...Once every couple of years I'll visit gamefaqs.com for the brilliant walkthrough by Alex and proceed to go through every inch of Final Fantasy VIII, max out the stats, beat every boss, whistle at every chocobo...and of course, collect every card for the unique Triple Triad mini game. So it was with equal parts optimism and absolute dread that I decided to play Triple Triad Mobile. Thankfully the Triple Triad collectible card game has made its move to mobile quite gracefully though not without problems