Does Amnesia Rebirth Live Up To The Original? | Spoiler Free Review
Another Retro Perspective review on Amnesia Rebirth. Does it live up to the original Dark Descent? I tried to keep this review as spoiler free as possible it was a bit off the cuff so it's not the longer critique that I've been keeping to recently but I felt the game at least needed a look. Especially in the Halloween season when people are looking for the best horror games to play!

Interview With Mikko Tarmia | Amnesia Rebirth, SOMA, The Dark Descent
New interview! Creating some of the best horror game soundtracks of all time, Mikko Tarmia has been working with Frictional games on such titles as Amnesia The Dark Descent, Amnesia Rebirth and Soma. In this interview with the composer, I ask all about these soundtracks as well as some of Mikko's other work in the film and video game industries.

Did Silent Hill Downpour Fail the Fans? | In Depth Critique For Halloween
Since the release of the Western developed Silent Hill games, fans did feel that Konami failed in delivering a horror game that lives up to the series terrifyingly well-conceived roots. In this review & in depth critique of Downpour on PS3, we will discover where Silent Hill went wrong.

Stranger Things 2 Review | Reel Talk
One of the most well received cult TV series is back! Let's talk about Stranger Things 2 and all the 80s themed goings on in Hawkins and the Upside Down. It took me a long time to edit down our discussion to just 45 minutes, so many strange things to talk about.