How Nobody Absolutely Dominated E3 2017
A very mild E3 wouldn't you agree? Microsoft's new Xbox One X is set to be "the most powerful mind control device ever" but does it have any games worth playing? Bethesda seem content to re-release Skyrim til the end of time. Nintendo wants us to be excited for games that will come some time between now and the end of time...but at least Ubisoft got rid of the terrible, annoying Aisha Tyler!

How Sony Absolutely Dominated E3 2016
Full disclosure, I am a Sony fanboy in recovery. There was a time I believed that Sony could literally do no wrong when it came to the video game industry. Even when they released their defective first model of the PS3 for a ludicrous £600 and removed backwards compatibility for the models that weren't destined for the dreaded yellow light of death. Now I know, Sony isn't perfect...but their E3 2016 conference was so perfect and I'm about to explain why.