Soulcalibur VI | A Return To Form For The Series?!
Soulcalibur VI might be a glimmer of hope for the series for fans who felt let down by the lack of content in the previous two games. Here's my (almost) review as I definitely wanted to get my thoughts out on this game.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom | PS4 | Review
Level 5 took a break from milking their cash cow Yo Kai Watch on the baby DS to do what, In the past, they’ve always done best: put square Enix to shame with another huge JRPG that outright rips off mechanics from a Nintendo game. Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is a sequel to the sublime Studio Ghibli collaboration...but Studio Ghibli have unfortunately not contributed this time.

Project Cars Game of the Year Edition | Review
Racing simulator, or arcade racer? Since the dawn of gaming it has been a question that has plagued the minds of the people who care about racing games. I have never been one of those people...until now?