The Star Wars: Rogue One Debate | Reel Talk

The Star Wars: Rogue One Debate | Reel Talk

Join us as we tackle the most important question of 2016 and possibly all time: "Is Rogue One: A Star wars Story the most over/under-rated film of all time?" ...Nah, not really, but we do talk about Rogue One and it's various pros and cons. This time we have a two way split between Arron & Ben who are on opposite sides of the spectrum, with Jake mediating the discussion.

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Sense8 | Season 1 | Review

Sense8 | Season 1 | Review

Do you know who wrote & directed The Matrix? For some reason, I didn't until just now when I looked up the Wachowskis and saw it in their filmography. I had been watching the first season of the Netflix science fiction drama series Sense8 and was wondering who these brilliant people were (writing & directing alongside J. Michael Straczynski) and why I'd never heard of them before. It makes sense now because while The Matrix was an ambitious, unique movie, ahead of its time, the ambitiousness of Sense8 as a series causes me to question how Netflix even considered it.

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